Is it Possible to Work Part-Time After a Disability?
Many Social Security disability claimants find themselves in a unique predicament in that they are too medically impaired to succeed with full-time employment but may be able to withstand part-time work. In short, claimants are able to maintain disability benefits while working part-time, but he Social Security Administration places specific restrictions and guidelines on this practice. For more information on working part-time while disabled, claimants should meet with a Miami Social Security disability attorney.
The first question to resolve is whether the claimant is receiving SSDI or SSI. SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Income and SSI refers to Supplemental Security Income. If you decide to work part-time, the Administration will reduce your SSI payments by $1 for every $2 you earn beyond $65 in your part-time job. If you receive no other income, the threshold is raised to $85 before the penalty kicks in. It is possible to make enough money working part-time that your SSI benefits will stop completely. However, your benefits award will still maintain an active status and the Administration will reissue benefits if your part-time wages dip below the threshold.
If you are receiving SSDI and your part-time earnings are below what the Administration considers to be a substantially gainful activity amount, your benefits will not stop or be reduced to reflect your supplemental part-time earnings. Your disability checks should continue to arrive for the full amount awarded by the Administration at the outset of your disability. Claimants wishing to pursue a part-time job are given a nine-month trial work period within which to try out working to see if it fits their abilities. Even if your part-time earnings meet or exceed the Administration’s substantially gainful activity amount, you should not be penalized during the nine-month trial.
For more information, contact Miami Social Security disability lawyer Deirdre DiBiaggio who can help guide you through the process.